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Before we talk about Nayanmars and Alwars or Azhvars or Alvars, we need to make a mention here of how these great Saivaites and Vaishnavaites were brought to us from [6-10th C. AD] to this century.
Sri Nambiandar Nambi was a pious personality, who composed "Twelve Thirumurai", meaning 12 volumes of Sacred Hyms of Nayanmars, and Sri Nathamuni compiled "Nalayira Diva Prabhandam" meaning 4000 sacred hyms of Alwars.

Whether it's Advaitham or Vishitadvaitam or Dwaitham, the bakthi towards the ultimate in their respective forms is to be noticed here.

The ultimate aim of each birth or soul is to understand its reason for taking the birth. In other words, who are they and what for have they come to visit this wonderful Earth.