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Madhurakavi Azhvar

A pure devotee is said to be the servant of the servant of the servant. This means, A devotee will treat himself/herself as the servant of the Lord which is obvious but when a devotee treats himself as the servant of that servant then it clearly shows his/her pious quality. A notable example for this is Madhurakavi Azhvar. When all Azhvar treated themselves as servant to the Lord in one form or the other, Madhurakavi treated Sri Nammalvar as his Lord. 

Another surprising aspect to be noted in Madhurakavi Azhvar's approach is, all other Azhvars had their focus on the Ultimate Lord. But, Madhurakavi's focus was to treat Nammalvar greater than the Ultimate. 

The interaction between Namalvar and Madhurakavi Alvar was amazing, and known.

Sri Madhurakavi Azhvar had written only 11 pasurams.